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  1. Pauses are not working properly and i lost my pubg sub... also, other cheats have wrong renew dates. I'm getting really frustated overall. I already stoped buying pubg cheat and i will stop buying cs:go cheat if things keep going wrong.
  2. you just forgot to tell that it's constantly detected
  3. my pubg sub was paused and its expired now
  4. dude, this is fcking insane OP settings, i really like it, almost never miss even when they are running like crazy. Can you show me your DMR settings (mini14, SKS, etc...)
  5. ill give this a try thanks^^
  6. do you have good config for sniper? tell me the config pls
  7. Hey admin, I want to tell you that i'm available to provide any information about this topic. Just tell me what do you need. The frames drop from the pubg are so fcking insane. The cheat is using half of my graphics card. It block my pubg graphic usage at 50% when i use the cheat.
  8. y are unbaned yes
  9. y can't use aimbot the battleeye is not detecting, what get people baned are the reports, 24Hours baned are okay.
  10. The bans are 90% 24 hours and they come to you if you are reported too mutch (like an incredible amount). The perma bans come if you get a lot of 24 hours ban or if you cheat really hard (example: constantly sniping people 800 meters away). If you cheat not getting kills not more than 300 meters away you are probably fine. using the spoofer is always good because it will protect you from getting hardware ban in case they want to do it.
  11. Sandman

    nice PUBG

    The ESP is incredible bad for FPS, i usually play at 200 and with ESP on only with enemies i have 80
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