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  1. I would say the accuracy is "high" you should be good as long as you are able to aim near an enemy the aim bot should be able to do the rest of the work for you. I would advise you to build your own config against bots and then play one comp game and watch the demo and just keep on tweaking untill you have it a way you feel looks the most legit and suits your play style. I think it's the same with any cheat you just have to get your initial config the way you like it and you should be good to go. Just a heads up also you can pay like 6 euros for just the aimbot and see if you can get it to a point where you like it and then upgrade to the full version on your store panel if you like it as well just to try it out or whatever.
  2. I personally think blacksector has one of the best legit bots I have seen even with sniper rifles and pistols although I personally use psilent with pistols tho. For the price I would recommend you at least give the cheat a shot.
  3. The only thing that smac has ever really detected and auto banned for is huge aim snaps and perfect bhopping and even at that I think it's like a 15 perfect Bhops before it auto bans/kicks/logs depending on how the server owner has it set up although smac values can be altered to make it more strict. There are also further modules both public and private that have been released for smac but you would have to do your own research on that. But both the partners are right as long as you ain't memeing to hard smac shouldn't ban you no matter what cheat you use. Smac is basically a more strict version of valves untrusted system imo
  4. Ayyyy thanks for the positive feedback @Sarrowy and @Sonner I would recommend you both try the cs cheat it's cheap af anyways so why not. @minohhh straight back st you gotta love me a gif
  5. Disclaimer: I’m a dyslexic retardo so If you get triggered by shit spelling / grammar sorry fam Alright boys so I’m relatively new here on RH but I would like to start off this review by stating to stay here and use the csgo cheat for the foreseeable future I will start off with the high point for me the aim bot the only thing I really have to say about the aim bot is that if configured correctly it is fucking unbelievable the first time you use it you instantly realise why people recommend this cheat all over the CS:GO scene for legit hacking it’s the best I have used by miles so far. ESP/Visuals: the ESP on RH I have found to be very simple there is everything you could need but not much more than that and I agree that as suggested by other users chams would be a good edition. One other gripe I have also seen is about the radar being a overlay and not dots on the actual in game radar honestly you get used to it pretty fast and It makes little difference to me but I can see the advantages of the in game system. The misc settings of RH are basically the bare minimum that I have seen on a cheat so far being only bunny hop and auto pistol. Saying this I can’t really think of any features that a legit cheat could really add, so if you are about chat spamming and flexing your e-peen this probably isn’t the cheat for you. Skin changer: The skin changer works well I would say that on any cheat that I have used recently skin changers are a bit of a hit and miss when it comes to optimization / causing lag when skinning your guns and it’s the same here. Security: the devs of this cheat seem pretty certain about the cheats security from VACand the fact that they are memeing EAC with rust leads me to think that the probably know what they are doing and the solid 0 detections also helps. I don’t really use trigger bots much but for all purposes of this review I have tried it a few times and it does its job I suppose. GUI: this is totally up to your own opinion but I think the grey RH GUI is just 8/8 Summery: RH so far seems like a decent community with a lot less of the flexing aids I have seen in other communities it’s kept feeling professional and the product I have received seems professional too. Anyone at this point that I bump into that’s looking for a legit cheat for cs will be sent straight here. Personally I have paid for one month of your csgo cheat and I plan on bumping it up to 3 and sticking around when my current subscription runs out. The discord community seems alright not really my thing but I have had text chats in there with multiple RH users and everyone just seems to remains about shit and chill which is cool and definitely helped me feel welcome. Thanks for reading and sorry for any aids spelling / grammar. -TayTay
  6. I hop between PIA and tor guard but recently the bandwidth I have been getting on tor guard has been trash so there is that.
  7. I'm a big fan of cucking on everything that moves.
  8. I have been cheating on and off since I got a jtag and was hosting cod 4 lobbies back in the day on xbox. I have always kinda found myself returning to cheating whenever I find myself bored with a game just feel like it adds a bit off life span that's still fun on a game before I give up on it.
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