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Everything posted by Spacey

  1. Please Give Me Any Tips How To Make It Better : )
  2. Hello, as this is my first time attempting to edit haha i couldnt do much but here's a preview/showcase of BSS If you need my configs just send me a message and i'll be happy to help
  3. Ah okay
  4. ahh okay, so i cant buy them at once so i get the 20% for the total?
  5. i cant even find it on the store now, it was there for 10 euro a month yesterday
  6. Okay thanks : )
  7. Ok my CS time runs out today, so instead of renewing can i buy the 3 month one?
  8. I started cheating on CS around February 2017, I had a guy who made my cheats exclusively for me ( So detection was extremely low ) and he would make cheats on my demand. He was an amazing dev, he made me a CS cheat first which got outdated on that big CS update then unfortunately we based together on a rust server and someone raided us. The person who raided us told my dev that i insided him, and he got pretty pissed. At the time i didnt know any of this because my Dev blocked me on everything, only recently he unblocked me. Turns out when i moved on to vanilla on rust i met a guy from the same server, turns out he was the one who told my Dev about it. Im pretty pissed as he would make any cheat on demand and was in the making of a rust one for me, when I try talk to him again he just doesnt reply so im kinda ya know
  9. Well, i mean i do need to wipe and reinstall soon, so all i would need to do is buy the Spoofer, spoof then reinstall windows or?
  10. Hello, I just got a quick question about this. On the store there are HWID resets for 2 Euro, If i was to buy one would i be able to play fortnite again as im HWID banned on there? Oh and would it affect other games like PUBG and Rust? Thanks
  11. Hello, I used the XMAS coupon code to see how much it would cost for a year. I tried using it to check the Three month plan and it said i have used it maximum times yet i didnt buy it? Any help? Edit: I got it working again i had to cancel the order thing. But i cannot use it for a renew so can i buy a 3 month ?
  12. Just put something in the CS discussion, should save people some time
  13. Can't Really think of anything haha
  14. Not sure if im allowed to do this but anyone wanna rep 4 rep. (Delete this obviously if not allowed) But yeah Rep 4 Rep anyone?
  15. Is there any configs specifically made for the battle royale? If so please drop me some. Thanks
  16. Is that why i can never connect lmao
  17. so why doesnt it pop up to buy? is it like PUBG N Rust the Invite system?
  18. Hello, Is there gonna be a radical heights cheat? Just wondered because :
  19. yes like super super secret
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