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Everything posted by Smurfman

  1. Hey, so I have been using the cheat for 1 day now and honestly have zero complaints with the current features, everything works smoothly and after a little while playing around with the settings I have found something that I am comfortable with and nobody has called me out yet, The aimbot is very powerful and performs great, the visuals are clean, the menu is easy to use, can't really ask for much more than this in a legit cheat, this really comes to me at no surprise as I have used @how02's past cheat a long time ago called "KGCheats" for CSS and it performed just as well, If I was to give a rating to each feature everything would get a 10, so I am not going to break it down like other reviews. However, I do have a few suggestions that I would personally love to see. 1. Add draw aimbot fov: This is very useful imo as you can get a better idea of what you are going to hit, if you are not sure what I am talking about I know the image is not in CSGO but you should get the idea. 2. Add backtracking: Most legit cheats have this feature in some form or another, basically it allows you to hit a player by shooting one of his previous positions, this is achieved by abusing the lag compensation in the game, not going to get into the technical details as how02 understands what it is 3. (Optional) Add hit marker / sounds: Not really the most important thing, but just something I have loved using in the past cheats, a little bit of fun. I can't really think of anything else right now, but if I do then Ill post it. If you are reading this review and wondering "Should I buy the cheat?" Yes, you really can't go wrong and you won't be disappointed. Thanks for providing a great cheat, I hope my review was helpful
  2. He is probably hwid banned, tell him to use EAAC before trying again.
  3. I used to mess around years ago in CS 1.6 with public cheats mostly just the rage aimbots with speedhacks etc, then I moved CSS and got VAC banned quite a lot so I eventually found a cheat called KGCheats which never got me VAC banned due to the Ring0 security (The patchguard disabled stuff), after this I moved to CSGO and now I am currently cheating in Rust Edit: Forgot to mention I also cheated quite a bit in TF2 but never really legit because I did not take that game seriously its always fun to annoy the kids in that game
  4. Also if you want to air stuck you there is a trick, Just jump then hit the bind for debug camera while in mid air, Kinda useless but just throwing it out there
  5. blyat
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