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Everything posted by LastModsYT

  1. Bump
  2. just a curious question to see what the community wants !
  3. ive been checking this game out for a while and seeing RH dig in it would be amazing, excited to see it come!
  4. Okay thank you ill just give it a few days maybe and see what continues happening with the community and they're experiences.
  5. i've been seeing a lot in the chat box about people getting instantly banned when they load they're rust hack, i was just curious before i inject the hack if its safe to do so? i would rather be safe then sorry...
  6. actually C# might of been i what i was using before now that i think about thank you for all thhe information tho
  7. Thank you :)i believe i started learning python if im not mistaking i would show you what it look but im not quite sure how to upload photo's here
  8. Ive been wanting to start making my own menus and hacks for a little while, i made a little rtm tool for ps3 a long time ago, but forgot what i did... So can someone be so kind and teach me or at least point me in the best place to learn? thamk you
  9. My apologies for bringing this up I just checked my emails and received a invite 2 days ago, thank you
  10. I messaged you back
  11. I've been involved for sometime now and i am considered a member do I receive a invite to the rust ?
  12. Any server owners ? i own a Server on Rust [3/9] LastRust|CLans|Kits|QSmelt|5x feel free to check it out or to test your hacks on
  13. what hack is this? i got CSS but dont have any good hacks
  14. ill create a topic for that, im curious
  15. SKyrim, Fallout series, NFS series, Gta V, Twisted metal was fun
  16. what would your guys's all time favorite game hack be, any game. mine is Phantom for MW3 so far
  17. I Mean that is true but you also gotta think that they're receiving multiple donations a day all of that should be balancing enough,but im sure they'll make the right decision whether its public or private
  18. Stay tuned for Royalhacks's Rust hack release looks great and seems from the looks of it that they're putting account safety first
  19. almost looks like a chicken alfredo. what are you going for? take out? dine in? house meal?
  20. oooh gotcha thank you
  21. how does one acquire the premium rank on here?
  22. CFG Modding on Mw2, yes haha i wanted more i ended up jailbreaking my ps3 so i could use Sprx menu's and RTM tools, now im modding everywhere and creating my own Menu's this day
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