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Everything posted by FACE

  1. Lets play together sometime Ram, nice videos, could drop a few recommendations.
  2. Have a good one :). Plans for today? Going to be out with my female for the day, hope to eat chipotle inb4 mountain dew and order a large pizza
  3. Damn thats a shit ton. Report bots exist for csgo?
  4. Ah nice, didn't know of any reputable scripting sites but ill keep that one in mind to try out if I ever play again. Lit CSGO rank, and damn that's a lot of rust hours
  5. FACE

    Loader Review

    Love good ol Cheat Engine
  6. Wdup mates, what are your top 3 games and how long have you been playing them? What rank are you? For mine - 1. Fortnite, 4.0kda playing since Mid-October. 2. League, Quit after 9th ban around a month ago, always floated around D5. 3. Really loved Terraria, finished/maxed out the entire game within a week or two. Slept very little during that time, was a TON of fun... ^^ No particular order for me. Don't play too much CS:GO, though my bro/friends are insanely good at it so I play every now and then to get carried. Havent played Rust since the big hack-patch around April, but still love the game. Did enjoy PUBG quite a lot until Fortnite came out, the building aspect really won the game over for me.
  7. Damn - how many of those hours are from cheating you think?
  8. Stick around and maybe youll have your shot if its released for sale one day. - Probably not the best idea to bug anyone on top about it like the devs or how02 But as of right now, there is no way to get it.
  9. :) For sure. Also if theres any kind of wall climb or scale, you should show that as well.
  10. Gotta try it
  11. I see you can speed mine and run, what about speed healing now?
  12. Lolol nice vid. Played solo the whole time? Your services on your site are hella funny too, could definitely see some people buying that kind of stuff .
  13. Yeah, literally nonstop. One of the best things about cheating on rust is being able to talk over the mic too lmao
  14. When I had used how02's cheat from rust back then (assuming its the same/very similar), I literally only lost one hvh out of near 30. It usually ends very fast, but one of the bigger problems is when you kill a hacker, they cant take the loss. I've had them come straight back to me over and over, report me, call me out tons of times because they cant fathom that they lost. Worst case was when I kept stomping a hacker and he kept running from me, but I would just speed to him and bully him for some hours because he was talking so much shit. He then added me and pretended to be my friend, then raided my teams base over night lol. Got all my stuff back as soon as I came on but rip our base. Main difference is how good the aimbot/ESP is I suppose. The speed helped with healing too though.
  15. Lmao wherever has more active threads sounds like a good place to me
  16. Thanks hope to engage in some more chats
  17. Same here - from RH, and once how02 left there was no reason for me to stay around any longer. wat
  18. Where are a couple of your main holdings at? Don't have the time to invest right now as I'm working on my business, however if I were to invest I'd probably have been balls deep in XLM. I know its been in a slump as of late, but whats your game plan looking like this yr?
  19. Keep it up man, maybe if you remain avid and 100% of your posts continue to ask the same exact question or regard the fact that you are , you might get it. I believe in you.
  20. Damn okay lol, thanks for the tips though. Goddamn, you mustve gotten some server bans though? Servs like Rusty Moose and such (don't know if theyre still around, havent played for 8ish months) happened to ban me pretty fast because of the active mods. Damn pretty nice, how long would it take would u say to get from LE/DMG to GE? Stop posting the same crap, pretty annoying. You aren't getting any headstart from looking extra desperate.
  21. FACE

    Rust cheat

    Thats still great - Do you think you could have a 20 second clip of it in action, going from point A to point B perhaps?
  22. really ? maybe I should try pushing it then to see what happens... EDIT : So I guess bunnyhopping is not recommended then hm? LOL. Love bunnyhopping
  23. Sup mates, just wondering, on CSGO, how long have you been cheating and what rank did you reach before the banhammer (if you even got banned)? On Rust, how many hours have you logged thus far while hacking, or until you got banned? For PUBG, how many noobs do you kill per match? When I used to use a 'legit' config back then for Rust, I had made it past 200 hrs, and when I hacked on CSGO I got too paranoid because of everyone calling me out that I never took ranking up that seriously.
  24. FACE


    Sup man, how are you on this fine day? @RamX1
  25. FACE

    Rust cheat

    Damn thats a smooth speedhack, do you dc after x amount of seconds using it? Need any pauses?
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