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Everything posted by stezz

  1. its not a big deal... im gonna buy more products from this site in the future... was just a bit anxious
  2. I have 9euros on this site... but I dont have csgo..... I was wondering if i could withdraw this money, and use it to buy csgo, then invest in the cheat at a later date. if not, I will wait patiently till I can save up enough money to buy csgo.
  3. more of a question than an idea.
  4. I am aware vac isn't very successful on Linux, just wondering if it is the same for EAC.... It probably isn't, just thought I might ask
  5. admit it... you just did it for the profile pic and rank
  6. http://prntscr.com/ejof90 saw this on reddit... too lazy to test, was wondering if anyone knows if this works or not?
  7. The rust hack will be sold within a few weeks, unless something goes wrong or they want to prolong beta. In all end, we should leave the staff alone to make their decisions until it is released. No one can say whether or not it will be invite-only, slotted, or public sub.... for all the new-commers reading this, don't private message people asking for invites.
  8. Rust is a fun game to have cheats on. Something about having power over everyone you encounter is fun.
  9. i don't know what it is but it looks good
  10. i got the munchies right now, was kind of thinking some east indian but i don't know... help me out. what are your fav 3 meals that don't break the bank
  11. your main account will get flagged most likely... it's better to be safe than sorry
  12. Lol this is still cool anyway
  13. Didn't start making my own cheats for csgo till a couple months ago... but I remember having hacks on battlefield back in the day
  14. Is it really day where you are? Damn, who invented the earth's circular motion around a star giving its inhabitants varying times. Sorry, I just finished 4grams....
  15. Better, I am more into this kind of music Phantogram 'Bill Murray'
  16. the intro is kind of soothing... but, that is about it...
  17. how often do you get violation kicked from servers?
  18. nice review arithmo
  19. As long as you don't play stupid, you should be fine.
  20. @UnstucK I suggest making a rule thread, pin it... and include (do not request beta cheats before they are for sale) or something like that. but to answer your question... the rust hack is not for sale, but will most likely be on sale with in a month. I have no knowledge on whether it will be sub, or invite-only.
  21. Anyone know any good VPN's that won't break the bank
  22. Thanks, really appreciate it.
  23. Without linking me to any private posts ( because im technically a public user ).... could someone provide a reliable tutorial for resetting HWID after a rust ban... I don't mind losing all data on pc. backstory: I hacked rust in june of 2016, then stopped shortly after. then, I got banned a long while after (today). I WOULD LIKE TO SAY THAT THIS BAN, HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BLACKSECTOR PRODUCTS......their cheat is 100% secure as far as i know and do not want to discourage anyone from investing
  24. i think private is a good idea, relentless if i get invited or not
  25. 3 shows are outstanding.... but Skyler is an annoying character
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