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  1. pSilent is not rly Patched there are "some" Privates out there who found a new method thats not public yet (atleast thats what i heard from several ppl on different forum's) pSilent is usable with fov 1 or lower but if you have it below 0.9 its pretty useless tbh (atleast i think so ^^) the Feature would be cool to have but for legit play its pretty useless atm
  2. yeah i just saw yours ^^
  3. I saw that you guys wanted to make a Video but why not make a "Features explained" Thread now? ^^ I only did the Aimbots Tab (will add more) and some things may be wrong so feel free to correct, if you want to explain the other Tab's you can post it here i will Update this Thread. AIMBOT TAB DEFAULT will set the Settings for all Weapons If you check a checkbox for a Weapon it will use it's own Settings instead of "DEFAULT" GENERAL: Enabled - Enables the Aimbot Ally - If enabled the Aimbot will also Target Teammates Jumping - If Enabled the Aimbot will also Target Enemys that are Jumping Vertical Aim - Enable this if you want to Control your Vertical Aim yourself Swap Target - Enable if the Aimbot should Swap Target while Active Auto Shoot - Automatically Shoots if you hold your Aim Key Auto Duck - Automatically Ducks while using the Aimbot Auto Pistol - Transforms your Pistol into a Maschine Gun if you hold the Aimbot Key Key - Set the Aimbot Key Hitboxes - Body Parts the Aimbot will Target Field of View - Radius starting from the middle of your Crosshair (Aimbot will only Activate if the Target is inside the Radius, Priority has to be "Field of View") Priority -Field of View - Prioritises Target inside your FOV (Field of View) -Distance - Prioritises the Target thats closer to you -Health - Prioritises the Target with the lowest Health HUMANIZE: Keep Target - How long should the Aimbot stick on one Target before moving to another one Duration - How long the Aimbot should asisst you while shooting an Enemy (0=Unlimited) Recoil System -Enable - Enables the Recoil System -Scale Pitch - How much should the Aimbot Control the Upwards Spray Pattern -Scale Yaw - How much should the Aimbot Control the Sideways Spray Pattern Smooth -Speed - Controls how Fast the Aimbot Snaps onto a Target (Higher Number = Slower Snapping) -Max - Set the Delay between each Shoot
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