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gerton last won the day on February 7 2018

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About gerton

  • Birthday 01/12/1996

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  1. As Mar1k is a good friend of mine, he told me about RoyalHack a long time ago, and since how02 has left it and created this site, we all met each other right here
  2. You are welcome!
  3. gerton


    It's down and not for sale atm
  4. It's down atm
  5. The Rust users are mainly old customers of the cheat, when it was available to purchase, who have just extended their subscription until now. It is not for sale at the moment As you have joined Blacksector just a few days ago, so just wait for the news about Rust as all the usual customers do.
  6. gerton

    Rust Review

    "The Rust users are mainly old customers of the cheat, when it was available to purchase, who have just extended their subscription until now. It is not for sale at the moment", - this is the info from koshaan (BlackSector staff member)
  7. Отпишите Mar1k'у в ВК, он вам все разъяснит и ответит на все возникшие вопросы. https://vk.com/mar1khack
  8. If the hack was down for 1 month and is not for sale at the moment, it doesn't mean that nobody is testing it atm. Same with the Rust hack
  9. Hello everyone, this is my little review of hack for PUBG! First of all, I really hope that developer will take a look of this thread and fix some features of the hack. Let me start from the worst part: 1) ESP for people / cars is 10/10 good job guys. But for loot? Well, ESP for loot doesn't even deserve 1 of 10 points. Don't get me wrong, ESP for players is perfect, boxes and healthbar + distance are good things to have, but... ESP for loot is absolutely terrible, it's some kind of sado masochism. Why? Well, first of all, when I turn on ESP for "Equipment", I don't need to see T-shirts, Pants, Shoes, Glasses and other useless stuff. Alright, let's imagine that it's impossible to remove those items from the ESP, but... If we compare it with the other hacks, which are cheaper and probably are already detected aswell, then we will see one interesting thing. There is a simple feature called "Dividing 1,2,3-level items, high rated guns by the colors, font sizes etc.. So, for example, level-3 items are red, level-2 items blue, etc. In this hack - it's impossible to remove the junk from your screen, it's sad.. Very, very sad and I really hope that Senior Developer will fix it asap. You can say that I am too rude and I won't argue, makes no sense. Let's imagine that this is the beginning of the match, you are in.. Let's say in Yasnaya Polyana, well. And there are 5-6 more guys right there. You come into some building. The first thing you have to do is to find some gun, and helmet+armour right? Haha, not in that case, guys. If you turn on Equipment + Weapons ESP in the big city - then say goodbye to your eyes, you are gonna rip them off. Better choice is to land on some small houses and look for some equipment there. Would make more sense, honestly. But to be honest, after playing 30+ games with this ESP I addicted to it and don't hate this so much. But any newcomer who just tries it for the first time will get scared of it. 2) Aimbot: 9/10 Really good job, I enjoy it and everyone does, it's one of the best aimbots ever. It looks legit on your demo's, and if you set it up correctly, then noone will notice anything on the killcam. I am very satisfied with it. 3) Inject: 10/10. Injecting the hack is really simple and I have never had any crashes or freezes, thank you for it, it's a huge advantage. So finally BlackSector PUBG Hack is one of the best hacks for this game I've ever seen. And if you fix the ESP, then you'll have literally the best hack for PUBG. Thank you for the attention!
  10. gerton


    In any case, thanks for the info, now I at least stopped asking myself: "Where tf did they get the hack, if it is not for sale yet?" lol
  11. Very nice job, I appreciate that you had time to make a guide like this
  12. asap I think
  13. gerton


    Same here, dude. I have joined BlackSector because they had literally the best cheat for Rust and I'm still missing it Although I have never tried their CS:GO hack, but judging by the reviews it's also pretty nice software for cheating
  14. Welcome back! (c) TeamSpeak 3 Voice
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