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OxyGen last won the day on January 18 2020

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  1. OxyGen


    No. Check the Status Page
  2. @how02
  3. This Update looks crazy
  4. Yes but there is no ETA
  5. Because PUBG is in testing and Rust is detected that’s why you won’t find it in the store
  6. First of all will be every Cheat UD and then we will maybe have an look at Lite
  7. If you bought the HWID Package it should automatically Reset your HWID.
  8. Hey, Could you please send me your Config? (.dat File) Will have an look over it.
  9. Only how02 can answer this question so be patient
  10. From what Reseller did you bought the rust subscription?
  11. Hey, It will work if it´s Undetected again.
  12. More Smooth = more Legit. Just go to a Workshop Map and make your Settings its not that hard.
  13. Just play with the Smooth and Field of View.
  14. Hey Bruris, If you check the Status Page you will see XIGNCODE3 is detected that means you are not able to buy it because something is Detected. If everything is Undetected again you will be able to buy it like everyone else.
  15. 1. Download the .dat File 2. Open the Folder of the Configs (Located in the same directory your Hack.exe is) 3. Put the .dat in the Folder 4. Go Ingame -> Settings -> click on Load & Have Fun
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