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Badshaxx last won the day on January 7 2020

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23 Excellent

1 Follower

About Badshaxx

  • Birthday 01/20/1994

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  1. Yo yo yo, Whats the best site to buy cheap ranked pubg accs? (Mastery lvl 80+)
  2. Yeah i do, can we speak in PM? or Discord/Telegram?
  3. Any chinese reseller here? Please PM me
  4. Yeah i know but it's been detected for at least 6 months now....
  5. Is there any ETA of BSS pubg getting up and running again?
  6. Lol nice one but people are so bad at this game hahah
  7. We do not approve psychos here
  8. It's a Well known issue with paypal. Try buy from one of our resellers.
  9. Indeed! Small map, a lot of close combat!
  10. Not for sale atm cuz it's under update.
  11. It's not for sale atm since it's detected by EasyAntiCheat.
  12. First the patch has to come out, then he can start updating, im sure he will try to do it as fast as possible.
  13. Whos excited for Season 6? New Map (64 players cap) - Blackzone, Destroy's all buildings in area. New Weapons - RPG - Sticky Bomb New Gear & Customization
  14. Current available cheats you find here: https://blacksector.solutions/store/ (Correct, Pubg & Rust is not for sale atm)
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