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DON'T tag a staff member. They will be notified when you have posted your request.
The only thing you should post here is role sync requests.
Don't spam. Ask once.
Provide information in the correct format.
Username on discord: (example#0000)
Rank Required: (Premium, Trusted, Reseller, Sponsored, Premium, Donator, and Invited)
Screenshot of profile w/ rank:
So it seems the only content people can produce *cough**cough* Shiro *cough**cough* is giveaways.
And seeing as I sell rust accounts. I might as well give one away!!!
So please comment your favorite Animal and color and number. Then I will randomly choose your comment. With a totally random site.
Giveaway will close on the 10th of April.
Happy new years lads.
Winner is Dropdead.
Proof video :
Please leave rep. <3
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