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About Kenji

  • Birthday June 30

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  1. There are quite a few software based ones around at the moment that work quite well, I have been using one for around 2 months without issue. I can't link them but you can find them with a google search just check the known cheat sites.
  2. Estimated time of arrival, it is not currently known when applications will re-open.
  3. The Cheat is invite only and applications are currently closed, you will need to wait until applications re-open again, although there is no ETA currently.
  4. Its no longer offered to new users as applications are closed, but people with subscriptions or who were accepted on the previous application phase have the ability to use it.
  5. I was HWID banned little over 2 months ago, did all the steps above and more was still receiving bans in 5-10mins, Only thing that worked for me was switching out my HDD for a fresh one, still not received a ban to this day with 300+ hours. I don't know if they have changed the Anti Cheat up to this point but a HDD switch was all it took for me.
  6. Before I switched to PC gaming it was MW2 on Xbox 360 I found a cheap JTAG Xbox on eBay and done paid lobbies for people. Once I moved over to PC it was DayZ mod, hacking on the game used to be so much fun.
  7. Has to be Debug Tool for me, I enjoy raiding a lot more than PVP and it just makes raiding so much easier being able to find weak spots, loot rooms etc.
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