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  1. 2011 - CS 1.6 (little) 2012 - Dayz MOD
  2. Sim, kkkkkkkk O ultimo foi burro d+, fez todo mundo conhecer a BSS.
  3. Hello, In the dev #199, the old glitch with fps.limit 2 and zoom, to see through walls is patched, and, today i noticed a new method (some already know). 1- Get a binoculars or other good item for zoom; 2- Take a distance from the house; 3- Look at the house, after, press F1, and fps.limit 2, use the binucolars, and walk backwards, after a while, the house will disappear, and will slowly fade the walls, showing what's inside (sorry for bad english) If you have tips on how to improve this method, I thank you -- Like this print!! --
  4. Solo player (I) vs Clan (10 peoples) Hard to play
  5. Hello guys, Today, I saw a video of a Brazilian on youtube, in which I was talking about the BSS. It is a very big channel, in which he talked about hackers, and have the BSS tag. What do you guys think about that? Is it really bad, or is it helping you get more out of your work? Sorry for bad english =/
  6. Is hard see a hacker in League of Legends, haha
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