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  1. All a spoofer does is spoofing your current hardware id with another generated id, its in the name "spoofer" I dont know exactly what Apex include in their HWID bans, this depends from game to game, which parts they target and track to idenfity your computer. If you changed your MAC address, used a VPN along with this spoofer, im sure it will work on most anticheats, but dont take my word for it. besides, its only 10bucks. if it works (which it most likely will) then awesome, if it doesnt, you could still cheat on pubg and rust
  2. I'm on the lookout for a new mouse, and considering the Logitech G502. Also heard good stuff about the Bloody mices, thoughts? I mainly wanna use this for recoilscrips in games like Rust, CSGO and PUBG. However i am a little concerned about getting banned. By the looks of it a few people have been banned for scripting with the Bloody mices. Or so they claimed. For all i know, they ran cheats in the background. I thought mousescripts was undetectable? Any more info on this? Dont wanna waste money on a mouse that wont do me any good. Give me your thoughts and experiences with your current mouse, please recommend if you got any. cheers
  3. Still no known recoilscrips to share?
  4. Woah, calm down calm down. What i meant was, it seemed to be poorly coded and didnt have the best reviews. I should've explained that a bit more before posting. Now thats cleared out of the way, back to the main question. Are they still a thing, and where could i possibly find out more about it?
  5. Hey, i was wondering if anyone know of any legit recoilscrips still around? I've found a few threads about software coded in C++ which drags your cursor down when pressing Mouse1, but it seems kinda useless to me. Are scripts still even a thing since they started banning for it? I would like to get more information about it, considering it might be a while til i get my hands on the cheat itself. If you have any helpful links or code to share, it would be much appreciated I'm not looking for logitech scrips, since i dont have a logitech mouse.
  6. i actually recently just started watching Rome
  7. ripoff picprovider.. ccrash
  8. I wish.. used to ride alot when i first got my license back when i was 16 Yamaha TZR 50cc, rridiculously tuned bike.. Had a tp86 kit on it, 15-46 sprockets i think? Had a topspeed of 130km/h, legal limit is 45 Been dreaming of a R6 since the day i sold this thing
  9. Pretty much yea Im a carpenter, so in big needs of a work van
  10. Shit man, been there Think i've crashed 2 cars, totaled 1 Heres one from not so long ago.. Went flying off the road at 100km/h, but luckily the car survived and got fixed up again
  11. Had this 60Hz monitor for the longest time. Just upgraded it to a AOC 144Hz, and omfg the difference is unreal. 1MS, 24"
  12. Own 3 cars at the moment Project car, E36 E36 Project car, E39 E39 Dailydriver vw T5 T5
  13. Not much of a movie guy, but i do watch a few series Game of Thrones Vikings Knightfall Black Sails etc.. For movies, i'd say any of the good horrormovies. Insidious, Evil Dead and Sinister just to name some
  14. I build shit with my hands, pretty much
  15. Depends alot for me.. A few months back i was playing The Forest all day, everyday.. Then it changed to CSGO for 3-4 months and now im stuck at Rust Got 1500hours on CSGO, around 1k on Rust and another 500 on The Forest
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