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Everything posted by SimpleSimon

  1. Are you from the future? Hack been down for 1month. Where did you buy your time machine?
  2. That is because PUBG is down. If PUGB is down then the application will be down too. You will be able to apply when PUBG is back up.
  3. PUB не работает, и в ближайшее время он будет резервным. Стоимость взлома составляет 100 долларов США за первый месяц, а затем 40 долларов.
  4. É wordwide e você pode usá-lo em qualquer região. Também o PUB está baixo e você precisa usar o formulário de inscrição.
  5. I am reading the bible and hopefully when I finish reading, the hack will be back up. What you guys/gals doing in the meantime?
  6. I can vouch he came back fighting from Isis. How the fuk did you escaped and how did you manage to play gta in Syria? They have internet cafes?
  7. Hello Kitty Hidden Stars
  8. Nice review! Hoping to get the csgo haxm after PUB if I get accepted that is
  9. Can I use this withotu VPN? what language is it? I am from the UK can I redeem it like normal if I buy from that website?
  10. The VPN method don't work for me for some odd reason. I was wondering if anyone know any other places to buy cheap legit PUG accounts?
  11. Im a PUB player and nice to meet you all!
  12. Are you referring to CSGO or PUB?
  13. What recorder do you use? Do you use the Nvidia panel?
  14. This looks so good man!
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