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  4. 一对一远程安装,免费售后,全天有客服为您服务。24小时售后客服QQ;250464464 唯一发卡网链接;https://wwv.shuzik.com/links/D4ECA8E0 购买认准官方合作伙伴,切勿相信私下交易,认准此贴 中国区官方唯一合作伙伴联系QQ250464464 中国区客户交流群;1007242657 任何非经销商都是骗子!天卡 周卡 月卡都有销售,官方价格。功能翻译图一键配置读取 投诉骗子,举报代理一卡多卖!问题卡!都可像官方经销桑举报!我们坚持以最低的价格,保证中国区玩家的利益
  5. Would really prefer not to use a reseller if possible? Surely it cant be too hard to buy from the site itself?
  6. I'm not sure how swyftx work. But you can also purchase from a reseller.
  7. Hi all, I am wanting to buy the CS2 cheat, however I am struggling to figure out how to do it with crypto. I currently have cypto on the app 'swyftx'. Could someone please give me a guide how I go ahead and purchase it using the money I have on that app? Cheers
  8. Can you show your settings from aimbot "General" section?
  9. I tried that but it still dosen't work but if i enable triggerbot it works so guess im just pressing alt to kill now thanks guys much love
  10. Remove from Bind Manager ALT from Toggle Aimbot and leave ALT Key inside Bind. Keep This ^ Remove ALT from Toggle Aimbot. I am pretty sure because you have both Bind Manager and Aimbot key on the same key it will cause the Aimbot to disable itself until you press ALT again. This is most likely not what you want. So if you do it as i told you it should work fine. Your aimbot will start aiming on players when you press ALT.
  11. Can you show us how you configured the keys?
  12. Hey guys, im new so i configured the keys for the aimbot on cs2 but it dosen't do anything someone know a step-by-step to help me out?
  13. Don't rage like this idiot, u will survive a long time.
  14. I've used on shadow it does work.
  15. Shadow tech should be supported. I haven't tested it recently with CS2, but our cheat worked on it in the past.
  16. Hello there, I just wanted to know if the cheats for CS2 works on a shadow pc : https://shadow.tech/en-GB/shadowpc Thanks :)
  17. i want join reseller
  18. It should be working again
  19. Open cmd.exe as admin and run this command, then restart your computer: bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off
  20. 도와주세요..부탁해요 핵심 격리를 비활성화했습니다. 그런데 계속 이런 오류가 발생합니다. 그리고 모든 백신이 비활성화되었습니다.
  21. 不幸的是,PUBG 的 BSS(战斗装备和装备)不再更新。 该功能在过去的更新中已从游戏中删除。 不过,开发人员正在不断努力改进游戏玩法并添加新功能,因此请继续关注有关游戏新功能和变化的最新信息。
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