Staff mrtrademaster Posted August 31, 2017 Staff Posted August 31, 2017 How to act on BlackSector: - Always be friendly and nice to all members on BlackSector - Insulting will lead to a Ban - Always try to help new members and refer to the rules when disrespected - Spamming means Infractions and can lead to a Ban - Before you start a new Thread, use the Search function - Use our Cheats on your own Risk __________________________________________________Content Rules: - Posting pictures/rl info about others is not allowed no matter if real or false - You are not allowed to advertise any other Cheatproviders, beside BlackSector - Trading with credit cards, paypal-accounts etc is not allowed - Posting links to warez or sites is not allowed - Asking about to get items back is not allowed - Posting Tutorials which harm other People will lead to a Permanent Ban - Posting pornography or racism is not allowed - Threads with Ref-Links to earn Stuff are not allowed - Posting links which contain law violation will lead to a Ban - (Trolling) Knowingly posting false information or trying to anger other members or intentionally cause negative reactions is not allowed - You're not allowed to push other Threads - Pushing threads is only allowed once per day (no pushing on the first day) - Pushing old threads is not allowed - Doubleposting is not allowed on BlackSector - Only push trading threads and threads you made to get Help - Use a normal Thread-Name, describe your problem superficially. Do not name threads in that way 'help me plx' 'help me'! - The Signature should be a small Picture / Text (Not oversized) - Forum avatars or signatures may not contain pornographic or illegal content - Normal users are not allowed to post in second level application threads, Only staff! - Do not beg/ask for invites. __________________________________________________How do I contact someone? - Don't push the Thread by telling the User your wrote him a PM - You can contact the seller by the ways of contact he included in his thread (or PM them) __________________________________________________Reputations: - Don't make a post only to thank for someone's help. Use the "+1" - Button instead __________________________________________________Account rules: - Multi accounting is not allowed on BlackSector - Sharing your account results in a permanent ban. Donators also lose their donator status with their account. - If you share your internet connection with someone else that surfs on BlackSector, give us the Information - In case of a permanent ban, both persons will get banned. You are liable for each other __________________________________________________Movie making-Section: -Only Upload Programs and Stuff for Movie making that are not marked as "Warez" -Before your release a Download, send a Admin / Mod the Program + a Virus Scan -Use the Right Section for your Videos (CS:S CS:GO MW3 BF3 etc.) -Don't flame anyone for his Movie making Skills, tell him what you would have done in another way -Constructive Criticism __________________________________________________Shoutbox rules: - Only English/German - Asking for and giving support in the Shoutbox is not recommended - Posting Tutorials which harm other People will lead to a Permanent Ban - Posting content about pornography or racism is not allowed - Posting Links from Uploaded other Cheats is not allowed - Ref-Links to earn Stuff are not allowed - Posting links which contain law violation will lead to a Ban - You're not allowed to push other Threads via SB - Pushing old threads is not allowed via SB - You're not allowed to spam (Steam) Lobby links __________________________________________________Additional rules: - The BlackSector team has the House-right to ban users for other reasons which are not listed here - If you don't Accept these Rules, you will be Banned __________________________________________________ 3 4
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