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Everything posted by fuelunits

  1. Bumping keep it alive
  2. Keep this going guys, bump!!
  3. Thanks everyone for the upvotrs keep up voting and let the admins know the customers are wanting this cheat!
  4. Nice video dude, you should release you're config for people so they can ez win
  5. Could leekspin for days
  6. I agree, you are gonna have alot of people buying it if it was public but making slots and making it avalibe to people who atleast been here 1-3+ months and are members who have been previous customers here and have brought atleast one product here for a month will decrease less toxic people and Chinese cheaters coming here spamming the fuck out of the forum also they should atleast have 50+ slots for the private H1Z1 and they should do this aswell for the PUBG cheat aswell cause it comes under the same problem of alot of people buying it and toxic Chinese players but yes I agree of it being slotted but you never know you're luck of getting a slot dude I got a slot for being a customer on some other crappy H1Z1 cheat and I was only a member there for 3+ months and brought a cheat twice each 1 month but yeah customers who've been here and brought a cheat package (csgo,fortnite ect) will probably have a chance of getting a slot in a private H1Z1 cheat or PUBG (if it becomes private and slots only) here.
  7. I love myself some leekspin
  8. Everyone stop saying "+1" it was my mistake please use the upvote system
  9. Would like this site to bring out a H1Z1 cheat since you guys are working on PUBG and it has the same anti-cheat as PUBG.
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