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Everything posted by Warline

  1. Warline


    I think soon.
  2. Bro ! It's AimPerfect this
  3. Thanks you so much ! Work :
  4. It's PUBG, minimum price (global cheat for PUBG) is 350/400$
  5. In this case do not try to cheat on a game like PUBG...
  6. I need to start saving It is possible to buy only by invitation.
  7. As the cheat is private yes. Just pay attention to who you trust
  8. Hello. I will answer the questions that you are generally posed Question : How buy cheat PUBG ? Answer : You need invitation for acces to cheat. Question : How many cost cheat ? Answer : 200€ for start (~235$) and 35€ per month (~41$). Question : How to get invitation for PUBG ? Answer : Staff choose. If you have questions do not hesitate to posethem.
  9. College Student
  10. Hello, Cheat Only-Invite. No get invite for the moment. Just wait... Warline
  11. Thanks for Giveway
  12. Nice vidéos... I go test your config Warline
  13. Warline

    fortnite zzzz

    600x900 Resolution Nice vidéo
  14. Bonjour, Je vais écrire Français pour @how02 c'est pour que tu ajoute si tu peux, le google authentificateur sur téléphone. Tout simplement pour éviter de se faire voler le compte.. Merci, Warline
  15. Hey, It's not out yet. It's going to be hard for developers because you have to know the game to code it. So I do not think for the moment. In addition they work on PUBG. Warline
  16. Hey, Today we find ourselves for a little tutorial. This will serve to put an avatar on your forum profile and find out who you are or to make pretty. 1. Go to on your profil forum. 2. Click on "Profile" and click on "Profile Photo" 3. And choose your "avatar" 4. For change Background click on "Cover Photo": 5. And click on "Upload Photo" & choose your photo. Thanks for follow my topic. And use "Like" button for support me Best Regards, Warline
  17. Thanks for you review. Please don't request config here. Request here : https://blacksector.solutions/forum/69-fortnite-help-requests-copy/
  18. Hey, It's possible create catégorie for French ? With Support... (I could be the support of the category if you want ) Thanks you.
  19. H1Z1, PUBG, Fortnite.
  20. Vidéo and contact on WebSite Fortnite.
  21. Hey, I'm rage hacking and i'm not banned. It's very nice cheat on BlackSector and price is very very nice.
  22. Hey, Please possible add channel text : general-french ? Thanks. Warline
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