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Everything posted by tekutov2014

  1. My subscription to Rust also expired, Put on pause and eventually-subscription, half a month waiting for the fix and return!
  2. I wrote one of the first about this problem. Why was I ignored everywhere?
  3. I've been waiting half a month.
  4. I write here not for the first time why my subscription expired if it was paused! What kind of lawlessness? I paid, for something that-would she simply expired and me then ignored with this question? Moderators, please help to solve the problem. After all, it is indicated that the cheat was on pause and you can check it! Attached two screenshots, an old screenshot and a new one, here on the old one it is indicated that the Spoofer is on pause, and in the information it is written that it is Active! Why because of these glitches have to suffer YOUR potientiometer!
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