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  1. AnticheatGarry Newman It’s obvious that our previous anticheat strategies aren’t working. Cheaters and Cheat makers have become accustomed to the routine and have learned how to coexist with it. We need to switch it up. A good number of persistent cheaters have a main account alongside a string of accounts on which they cheat and expect to be banned. We can see these accounts, we can see how they’re used, how they benefit from the actions of your cheater accounts. Previously we’ve only banned accounts that were used for cheating; from now on if you’re caught we’ll ban all of your accounts.
  2. http://playrust.com/devblog-115/
  3. But according to Devblog 115, all related accounts will be banned
  4. Since i read that they ban all related accounts how will i avoid my main being banned?
  5. wait eac bans transfer ??
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