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  1. There is no solution, unless the PC is upgraded or the PFS is cheated to repair. Recently, the CPU memory usage of the pubg update has increased a lot compared with before. When cheating itself will affect FPS, it will become lower and lower
  2. My computer will not be banned without cheating. It will not be banned if other cheating is used. When using black I was permanently banned within 20 minutes. I am confused, I like black, I just want to use it, but I don't know where I am having problems.
  3. I reinstalled my computer system and re-downloaded the cheating, but the result was still a permanent ban in the game. When I changed other cheating, I didn't get banned. I still like black and want to continue using him. But I don't know where I am doing wrong!@ how02
  4. @ how02
  5. pubg login was forbidden. After being banned permanently by the developer, we changed another number when login was banned for the first time on November 18th and 19th. As a result, I was banned forever. The two cases were banned in the same situation after 2 days. After the game was over, I was banned forever again. This time we banned two accounts. When a friend tells you that you need to reinstall the window system, you can reinstall the window system. The game is the same as before and is permanently banned. Reinstall the window system. The situation is permanently banned. In other words, pubg is prohibited within 3 days of having 6 accounts. I don't know where I'm manipulating the mistake. Because my friend told me he was not suffering from the ban! ! !
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