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  1. But yea im trying to get this fixed before my sub runs out.
  2. Yo clearly did not read what I said. Im not a invite user I went through a reseller. i have two loaders. You guys have one.... Please read the thread. i have to use 2 loaders for rust.
  3. Just tried it over again did not work. There has to be something we can so. To be clear both of my loaders are in the same directory. i am spoofing, closing spoofer then trying to inject cheat. No luck.....
  4. Still same error. Do you mind hopping into my discord so we can fix this? I can screenshare....
  5. Ok, now it is saying my hwid is not matching. It now says I cannot login.
  6. I bought a key from a reseller. he provided me with a loader. When I run it I put in the key he provided me and then I inject the cheat. I was hwid banned so I was told to buy something here to get access to the SPOOFER. Now when I run the spoofer, then try and inject it says your loader is already running.
  7. when I try and inject after spoofing it says that a loader is already running.
  8. does it work for rust?
  9. I have been banned and need a spoofer. However I cant use the one sold here because it dosent show up on the buy list. Any ideas?
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