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manga55 last won the day on January 10 2022

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  1. I have been using it for 2-3 years now and apart from some minor breakdowns it has been working flawlessly. It's a pretty good legit cheat and it depends ofc on the different cfgs you are using. I use 4 different cfgs Blatant, Prime and Prime Lite.. Occasionally I use Super Rage cfg when the situation demands it but be careful with it. The cfgs can be found here to be downloaded. Blatant.dat Prime Lite.dat Prime.dat Super Rage.dat
  2. I can recommend Blockchain which handles bitcoin. You will need to transfer money to Blockchain in whatever currency you choose through Revolut.
  3. Parfait!:)
  4. Grande surprise!! Je ne savais pas que nous pouvions communiquer en francais avec toi, how02?? Peut-être que tu utilises Google Translate?
  5. Try this: https://www.blockchain.com/
  6. Not possible anymore with Paypal, try this: can recommend Blockchain as an wallet provider. https://login.blockchain.com/#/signup Anycoin is also an good alternativ... You can top up your wallet with your credit card on both sides after verification
  7. I had a hard time figuring out how to buy crypto safely. I found it thru this link. Try it out, it works! A little hassel in the beginning understanding the cryptotransfer system but then I got accustomed with it.
  8. jerk off til u fall in to coma
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