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Everything posted by un4pack

  1. I know its worth, but cant wait :))
  2. Nah, whats the point to register now and be able to buy it after 1 year ? They have right now 15 slots free no one buy cuz can't, if they are soo good, why they dont protect their binaries to don't be leaked ? They are scarred by eac developers
  3. Maybe he want at youtube subscribe
  4. Perfect aim is shit cuz you have to wait 3months and playing other games and after 3 months you can join at giveaways of thousands of people for 1 invite! Thats ridiculous and ofcourse, you wait like 12 months and pay other cheats and if you get an invite you have to pay for the cheat to be really trusted, perfect aim is not worth maybe worth if you want to play in 2020, so if you want to play rust in 2020 make an account right now on perfect hahaha
  5. I know it, i was wondering from where i know the name Blunt, yes, hes from perfectaim the main admin L0L.
  6. me too
  7. I can't wait i need this hack :))
  8. Is there a way to get in the beta test ? And when the hack will be online i will buy it for sure
  9. you are a beta tester ekko, youd ont got banned ?
  10. is it a chance to be able to test it ?
  11. Hello, Since 3 months i playing rust i tested all paid cheats and got banned after 1 or 2 days and 7 days (7 days was a good one) I will be honest i registered here for rust hack first i wanted to be a beta tester but i can buy it too if can't be a beta when can we buy it ? thanks
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