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Everything posted by 0xNav

  1. Write a personal message to @banek192
  2. Bitcoin transactions have to be confirmed in blockchain. It normally takes about 1 hr, but can also be 24h
  3. Hey, please add funds to your PayPal account and try again Some users are facing issues with paypal payments unfortunately
  4. When youre Payment has been confirmed youll be activated
  5. Мне не разрешено это делать Sorry
  6. покупка в данный момент невозможна если он не признан, покупка будет возможна
  7. You can use our resllers e.g. @banek192
  8. How do you recieve this error message without any subscriptions?
  9. Hey Sandman, i am really sorry that you're facing this issue. It was a bug in the forum software which should be fixed now. The days are not lost! Please write a personal message to @ViRTUS OR @how02. They will compensate you.
  10. Please add funds to your PayPal account (the amount you want to pay) and try again. This may works. Otherwise you could pay using one of our resellers.
  11. I forwarded your usernames to the admins. Please be patient
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