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Posts posted by SinX

  1. 7 minutes ago, Mikey757 said:

    You generally do not learn any useful coding in a formal setting until uni in any country. My point was is backend programming is programming which you learning when studying computer science, not IT. The only coding you learn in IT, unless it is an elective is enough to know how a program works to enable you to better understand it when trying to fix a problem. I have my bachelors in CIS and am working on my master's. I have about 9 years in field experience starting from helpdesk, through network administration and then 5 years of network engineering before switching to network architecture. I have a fairly good understanding of the IT field and backend web developing has nothing to do with IT. In IT you will either diagnose and fix problems with computer systems, do cyber security, design and install server rooms and company internet etc etc. But you will generally never develop web applications or do any of the things that backends do. IT personal do not data mine, we definitely are not proficient in backend or front end programming languages unless we studied them in our personal time or took them as electives.

    Nonetheless, my point is Backend developers are 99% of the time going to be computer science majors as this is a computer science career, not IT, CIS, or any similar field. 

    Maybe you can make your own pubg cheat! :D

  2. 1 minute ago, Aharoo said:

    Sure you could wait 3 years but the game might not have that many players left. And we have our real lifes to take care of as well, not just sitting in front of a screen (waiting to get invited)

    For sure next year will be more better fps games out there, better than pubg :D we never know

  3. 1 minute ago, Aharoo said:

    It can also take even longer. But by that time i would lose interest in the game plus some people would feel it's a waste of time. Or you might never become a trusted user

    Agree, the longer you wait, the more people will have less interest... dunno how come they cant still get at least more people to invite, sitting there and doing nothing most probably

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